MongoDB – A simple command can improve the query performance dramatically

  • fennng 

I have a Telegram bot @fengstatsbot which can record the group activities and generate reports. Recently the main db collection has reached around 1 million records. I can easily notice the waiting time before receiving the response from the bot. It can take up to 8 seconds for the bots to return result. When I looked into the restheart log, I can see that even inserting a new record is very slow, sometimes need more than 1 seconds.

After some research, I understand that adding index can improve reading speed. As my query is mainly use date and chat id to do the filtering, I first added a date index.

>db.messages.createIndex({"": -1})
        "createdCollectionAutomatically" : false,
        "numIndexesBefore" : 1,
        "numIndexesAfter" : 2,
        "ok" : 1

surprisingly, although my query selects a range of date for the data, adding date index didn’t improve much.

Then I added date and chat id as index

> db.messages.createIndex({"": -1, "": -1})
        "createdCollectionAutomatically" : false,
        "numIndexesBefore" : 2,
        "numIndexesAfter" : 3,
        "ok" : 1

Cannot feel anything either. At last, I added chat id itself as a index

> db.messages.createIndex({"": -1})
        "createdCollectionAutomatically" : false,
        "numIndexesBefore" : 2,
        "numIndexesAfter" : 3,
        "ok" : 1

Then magic happened. I can feel that the bot is replying much faster, at least 3-5 times faster. By looking into the restheart log, I found that the aggregation query is perform much better, although insertion is as slow as before (it should be worse in theory, as now insertion need to update index too)

I am not sure weather the last index is the only thing I need to add, or all three of them are actually working together to make it work.

5/July/2019 updated: All this indexes helped, tested. How index is usefully depends on how the query is written.

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