我的小米盒子MDZ-09-AA前两天突然卡在开机画面。我清理了用户数据,系统数据。而且下载了你的dropbox zip文件。但无法安装firmware。开始安装后,出现如下错误:
E:failed to mount /cache (Invalid argument)
E:failed to mount /cache (Invalid argument)
E:failed to set up expected mounts for install; installation aborted.
我看了你的youtube视频,其中一位网友有同样的问题。你曾回答:“在 smanager里面 mount as read/write”。但在哪里可以找到smanager?
Hi Deng, thanks in advance for helping!
I have a Xiaomi TV Box Mini, and been experiencing an issue whereby the machine wouldn’t get past the booting screen.
I tried entering the recovery mode by pressing enter and back at startup, wiping all the data, etc but I don’t have the option to “restore system”. I then tried rebooting with both modes.
With Mode 1 I only get as far as Mi (the black and White screen)
With Mode 2 I get past the Mi screen and stuck on the coloured squares “dancing” screen…
What to do? is there a way to access the file directory with the “Mini” model? Please advise, thanks!
Your video looks very useful but not working for me. My miBox is MDZ-09-AA. Further details from settings says. MiBOX2, Android Version 4.4.2, Kernel Version 3.10.33, jenkins@qh-dk-box-bsp01 #1 Tue Dec 20 16:33:08 CST2016, Build number Please can you help ?
Your video looks very useful but not working for me. My miBox is MDZ-09-AA. Further details from settings says. MiBOX2, Android Version 4.4.2, Kernel Version 3.10.33, jenkins@qh-dk-box-bsp01 #1 Tue Dec 20 16:33:08 CST2016, Build number Please can you help ?
our video looks very useful but not working for me. My miBox is MDZ-09-AA. Further details from settings says. MiBOX2, Android Version 4.4.2, Kernel Version 3.10.33, jenkins@qh-dk-box-bsp01 #1 Tue Dec 20 16:33:08 CST2016, Build number Please can you help ?
Hi Bro,Your video looks very useful but not working for me. My miBox is MDZ-09-AA. Further details from settings says.MiBOX2, Android Version 4.4.2, Kernel Version 3.10.33, jenkins@qh-dk-box-bsp01 #1 Tue Dec 20
我现在在使用小米盒子3增强版,已经root安装谷歌框架。因为有一段时间没用小米盒子我的谷歌账户自动登出了,系统要求重新登录,我点了重新登录按钮也没有反应,现在Google play,YouTube都没法关联了。请问有什么解决办法吗?谢谢!
Youtube 可以通过电视码关联, Google play 就没办法了。 你的所以谷歌产品都转成系统应用了吗?
CTV8有时候是会转播凤凰卫视。 指南结尾是 EPG.xml 没错。 没有信号的问题说不定真是有IP限制, 这点我就不得而知, 我也没有在上海试过。 要不你翻墙试试?
您好,想问小米盒子4 1.5.93有什么办法没有..
Feng 您好,我再youtube看到您发的小米盒子增强版(MDZ-09-AA)降级视频,现在我已经成功降级下来了,但是是内测版,从哪里能下载到稳定版的包呢??
您好。 谢谢你的分享。
我在新加坡,刚买了小米65寸4C 跟32寸4S电视机,想学你们用小米电视盒那样可以看小米配来的国内视频。
试了360Root, KING Root 都不成功。那4S 是安卓6, MIUI TV version 1.3.79.
因为我没有这款电视,我帮不到你, SORRY。
我的网页上不是有提供下载链接吗? 你需要什么帮助?
我根据链接复制后打不开,出现Internal error!,我想也许是chrome的原因,后来我用腾讯浏览器也打不开,劳驾大师可不可以发邮件给我,请受我一拜!!!
打不开什么? 你用EDGE试试,你可能用了下载软件了, 直接用浏览器,我网站上的东西是可以下载的。
峰哥 我想學您的Telegram創作抽獎秘書…
看我的youtube 教程 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3dZh-p-vVofZ0BOQ4LnPlhJV3sVAQX8h
你好 请问一下机器人代码哪里下载
我的小米盒子MDZ-09-AA前两天突然卡在开机画面。我清理了用户数据,系统数据。而且下载了你的dropbox zip文件。但无法安装firmware。开始安装后,出现如下错误:
E:failed to mount /cache (Invalid argument)
E:failed to mount /cache (Invalid argument)
E:failed to set up expected mounts for install; installation aborted.
我看了你的youtube视频,其中一位网友有同样的问题。你曾回答:“在 smanager里面 mount as read/write”。但在哪里可以找到smanager?
没有哦, 你可以做个转发机器人!
峰哥,看了 你的教程 0 0 还是不会。 能不能求教或者帮忙编写一个飞机群自动删除垃圾信息的机器人
峰哥,可以發一個視頻教telegram怎發圖片嗎? 跪求
Hi Deng, thanks in advance for helping!
I have a Xiaomi TV Box Mini, and been experiencing an issue whereby the machine wouldn’t get past the booting screen.
I tried entering the recovery mode by pressing enter and back at startup, wiping all the data, etc but I don’t have the option to “restore system”. I then tried rebooting with both modes.
With Mode 1 I only get as far as Mi (the black and White screen)
With Mode 2 I get past the Mi screen and stuck on the coloured squares “dancing” screen…
What to do? is there a way to access the file directory with the “Mini” model? Please advise, thanks!
I am not similar with TV box mini, sorry, I can’t help!
峰哥 能不能出个POTATO BOT 系列 想学
Your video looks very useful but not working for me. My miBox is MDZ-09-AA. Further details from settings says. MiBOX2, Android Version 4.4.2, Kernel Version 3.10.33, jenkins@qh-dk-box-bsp01 #1 Tue Dec 20 16:33:08 CST2016, Build number Please can you help ?
Your video looks very useful but not working for me. My miBox is MDZ-09-AA. Further details from settings says. MiBOX2, Android Version 4.4.2, Kernel Version 3.10.33, jenkins@qh-dk-box-bsp01 #1 Tue Dec 20 16:33:08 CST2016, Build number Please can you help ?
our video looks very useful but not working for me. My miBox is MDZ-09-AA. Further details from settings says. MiBOX2, Android Version 4.4.2, Kernel Version 3.10.33, jenkins@qh-dk-box-bsp01 #1 Tue Dec 20 16:33:08 CST2016, Build number Please can you help ?
Hi Bro,Your video looks very useful but not working for me. My miBox is MDZ-09-AA. Further details from settings says.MiBOX2, Android Version 4.4.2, Kernel Version 3.10.33, jenkins@qh-dk-box-bsp01 #1 Tue Dec 20
请问下有台小米盒子mdz 09 ak,想刷下国际版或者android tv,但是找了很久也木有找到固件,不知道你能指点下吗谢谢
Bug yang membuat forum pendaftaran tidak dapat menerima email telah diperbaiki
你好 想请教 telegram 机器人自动回复 回复给私信的人 看什么视频能学会