Run multiple commands in dockerFile CMD
FROM php:alpine RUN apk update && apk add zip libxml2-dev libpng-dev && docker-php-ext-install mysqli simplexml mbstring gd RUN mkdir /var… 阅读更多 »Run multiple commands in dockerFile CMD
FROM php:alpine RUN apk update && apk add zip libxml2-dev libpng-dev && docker-php-ext-install mysqli simplexml mbstring gd RUN mkdir /var… 阅读更多 »Run multiple commands in dockerFile CMD
I ran a mysql in docker docker run –name mysql –network wp-net –network-alias mysql-host -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root mysql Then ran a php… 阅读更多 »PHPMyAdmin doesn’t work with MYSQL 8.0.11
FROM php:apache RUN apt-get update && apt-get -y install zip libxml2-dev libpng-dev apt-utils && docker-php-ext-install mysqli simplexml mb… 阅读更多 »Dockerfile for building mybb 1.8.15 based on apache and alpine
When I tried to mount a windows folder as docker volume, the mounted folder in docker container is empty. docker run –rm -v c:/Users:/data alpine l… 阅读更多 »A problem with docker volume mount on windows
As Azure MYSQL doesn’t support MyISAM, MYBB is not working with Azure MYSQL directly. You will get following error during db creation. More info: htt… 阅读更多 »MYBB work with Azure MYSQL
I suspected the problem may come with Azure file through SMB. So I created a new wordpress container with a local /var/www/html folder (not a volume from … 阅读更多 »A very strange behaviors of docker contained wordpress cont
Navigate to the www dir which you would like to use as web root Create a new file call (you can use any file name) with following content import… 阅读更多 »A quick HTTP server using python docker container
The download link was working OK. When I added a nginx layer, it’s not working properly. Most of the times, it only returned partial files. The conne… 阅读更多 »A very strange behavior of docker contained wordpress
Turn on the console log Then open a new console, SSH to your server and run your command. All the output will be saved in the log file.
Check your date using date command link /etc/localtime to whatever time zone file you want sudo ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Pacific/Auckland /etc/localtime … 阅读更多 »Change time zone in Ubuntu