I say yes. Because I’ve got the following survey popup on my computer.
PremierOpinion Web Demographic Survey English <Minibooster.aspx?surveyID=209101&newLanguage=11> Please click on the to answer each question below.
What is your age? Select One6 or younger78910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334 35363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859606162636465 or older What is your gender? Select OneMaleFemale Submit and Thanks! Powered By PremierOpinion. To discontinue membership, please click here <FAQ.aspx#Section1_26_1>.
Then I found it’s process called pmropn.exe, which is called by pmservice.exe
Then I found the following comment.
This is an ADWARE application that does expose personally identifiable information stored on your computer. It has nothing to do with Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) which is an electronic device. I recommend removal ASAP. Block all network traffic. It does not come with an auto-installer so you may need to edit the registry directly.
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PremierOpinion 是一个在线市场调查社区,提供有关其会员与互联网之间互动方式的观点。作为同意 PremierOpinion 监控其 Internet 行为的回报,PremierOpinion 为加入的计算机用户提供各种价值主张,包括下载不同软件产品、赢取幸运大奖的权利以及许多其它利益。还会定期邀请成员完成在线调查,就各种话题了解他们的看法和兴趣。
You can uninstall it from Apps & Features (right click on start menu)