I ran a mysql in docker
docker run –name mysql –network wp-net –network-alias mysql-host -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root mysql
Then ran a phpmyadmin in docker to connect to it
docker run –name myadmin –rm –link mysql:db \
–network wp-net \
–network-alias myadmin-host \
-p 8083:80 phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin
I go this error:
mysqli_real_connect(): The server requested authentication method unknown to the client [caching_sha2_password]
mysqli_real_connect(): (HY000/2054): The server requested authentication method unknown to the client
The working version:
A quick solution is using older version of mysql
docker run –name mysql –network wp-net –network-alias mysql-host -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root mysql:5.7.22
Problem solved.
You can also config mysql 8.0.11 to use old password
How do you go about using older version of mysql in light of this comment on https://dev.mysql.com/doc/relnotes/mysql/8.0/en/news-8-0-11.html:
Downgrade from MySQL 8.0 to MySQL 5.7 (or from a MySQL 8.0 release to a previous MySQL 8.0 release) is not supported. The only supported alternative is to restore a backup taken before upgrading.
I already have Apache 2.4.33 Win64, php-7.2.5, mysql-8.0.11-winx64 and phpMyAdmin- installed and getting the following error:
Cannot log in to the MySQL server
mysqli_real_connect(): The server requested authentication method unknown to the client [caching_sha2_password]
mysqli_real_connect(): (HY000/2054): The server requested authentication method unknown to the client
How do I downgrade mysql-8.0.11 to a lower version?
Hey, I am not sure what the comment mean here. It may mean that they cannot downgrade a mysql 8.0 db to mysql 5.7 db (migrating all the db data into a older version db). Because phpmyadmin doesn’t support mysql 8.0. So What I did is running a older version of mysql. I started a new empty db instance. Instead of mysql-8.0.11-winx64, you need to install mysql-5.