Get your dev env ready in a second

  • fennng 
I have been using cmder for quite a while. But I never setup task group before. Before I start my development, I need to start the API backend, the database server, and the front end service. It doesn' t take a lot of time. But it requires me to think about what commands to run every time. 
Setting up cmder to automatically start the env is not hard. 
Here is how you do it.
Inline image 3
cmd /k "%ConEmuDir%..init.bat && docker start mongo mongo-exp "  -new_console:d:%userprofile%

cmd /k "%ConEmuDir%..init.bat && dotnet run"  -new_console:d:c:UsersdengygitLocalamoeba-apiAmoebaAPI

cmd /k "%ConEmuDir%..init.bat && ng serve"  -new_console:d:c:UsersdengygitLocaltarantulaTarantula
Inline image 2


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